Massive Motivation for massive results

Motivation is one of those things that is hard to obtain. It is easier to slouch on the couch and binge the latest Netflix show, no matter how many times the thought or the idea torments us on the back of our minds, you have that itch that continues to bother you. It is something that you know you have to do, something that will change your life at 100%, the truth is the itch or the sensation or idea that burns in the back of your mind are like your subconscious trying to wake you up. Your dreams are dying to be a reality but the lack of motivation or even when you see that what you want to do happens to be a huge task, that turns you away from that idea and it is easier to go to sleep than it is to get started but it is not laziness like other would say, it is the fear that demotivates us or maybe we have already started the task, but at times you find yourself procrastinating on doing the task. You begin saying you will do this after you finish playing video games or after you eat, but it gets so bad that later or tomorrow never comes and that task sits there idle waiting for us to take the initiative. 

Believe me, this happens to all of us. I remember a friend of mine, Paul, who had this very issue. He had an amazing idea. He wanted to have more time to spend with his family and spend time for himself. He was stuck in a 9 to 5 job that stole a big part of his life, and he began realizing that his children are growing up with an absent dad had no time to do what he wanted and had to get permission from his superiors and like many of us, we hate that someone else has our life hostage. So he had a choice whether he sacrifices his life, the time with his children for the next 30 years, or do something now that will make a difference in his lifestyle. He had started a website on selling electronics or what we call dropshipping but he could not find the energy or the time to complete the tasks. He had come to me one day where we both realized that there is a time the problem was an issue of motivation. 

There is a funny thing about motivation but wanting to do something was not enough but it is having the desire to make his idea into a reality but he did not have the structure and discipline to change and stick to his goal. My friend read a book that changed his life completely. He learned the tricks to maintain a more vivid sensation of motivation. This book gave him the tools to plan and keep his eye on the ball. 

Which book you may ask? This book Massive Motivation has transformed the lives of so many that for the life of them actually could not find the motivation to accomplish their dreams. So many like my Friend Paul fall into a rabbit hole of laziness that prevents them from succeeding in life. Massive Motivation gave people like Paul and myself the answers on why this happens and how to correct a behavioral issue that delayed our success. This book gave up the tools to do so. Massive Motivation tells us that there are different reasons why people are not motivated, explains that issues like depression, health issues like low blood sugar, etc, causes the individual to lose the desire to do what they dream of doing or it could even be issued on concentrating on other things that take up our time, time that we can use on something worth it. In the same way that Massive Motivation helped my friend and me I believe it can do the same for you. If you are experiencing the same issues check out this book click on Massive Dreams and get your copy today. 


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