how to make money with affiliate marketing for beginners


When I first got the idea to work online and make money I was stuck in a dead-end job. I needed an alternative that I could make a substantial amount of income to at least pay the bills and do what I love to do and that is write. I started searching for writing gigs and everywhere I applied to would reject my writing which I ended up working on my art form and started writing my blogs. After spending a good amount of time writing my heart out I stumbled on a youtube video of a YouTuber called the Lazy Stoner. I liked the name and drew my attention and thank God I did watch because what he was teaching was exactly what I was looking for. 

HALLELUJAH, MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!!! He spoke about making money online and best of all on how to monetize a website or blog to make and earn a substantial amount of money to pay the bills and do what I like. What more can I ask for? Well God if you are listening I want a brand new Mercedes. Just kidding. 

I love affiliate marketing. You can promote business and products that fit your niche choosing a niche is as important as choosing the best affiliate program. It took me a while to learn what a niche was but I finally realized what my niche could be. It was what I have been learning about from the best entrepreneurs and what I love about the world of business. 

Marketing has always fascinated me and I read books and watched courses to get myself to where I needed to be. So if you ask me what is the most important first step and to answer your question my friend that is choosing a niche, a topic, or industry that excites you that you find yourself talking about 24/7. My thing has always been business, money-making and online marketing. 

That was my sparkling golden nugget. I was like a prospector that just struck gold. I danced like a crazed prospector in the middle of my living room. My family thought I finally lost my mind and had the nuthouse on speed dial. 

Once you have found what sparks a fire in your breaches then you are ready to move on to the next step and that is creating a website. This website does not have to be a fancy one, you just need one that looks attractive. 

It can even be a blog. Later I will explain how we can promote products through a blog. You can use WordPress to create your website or Wix Site. I like bloggers, especially at the beginning when you have a limited budget. Once you have used that creative magic that every human being has to create your website then we can move on to the next step. 

Select the Best Affiliate program

The next step on your journey to success, this step was where I wish I knew how to use it properly. Since I was just beginning to get into affiliate marketing and did not learn this till much later. Selecting the Best Affiliate program is the part that will determine if you make money or not first make sure that the product or service that you are signing up for respects your niche. 

You must respect your niche because if your audience sees inconsistency in the products you are selling this can turn them off. Not all websites can be like Amazon and sell everything. At first, you have to concentrate on one thing. Once you have done it for quite a while you can introduce other opportunities, of course making sure that your audience is interested. 

Now let's talk about pay which is what everybody is in it for and that is the money that is our goal take a look at what is the compensation plan that each program offers and that it is a product that is reliable. 

You can look at affiliate platforms like Clickbank that offer a huge selection of products and affiliate programs. Depending on your niche, you should look for a reliable affiliate program, you can even use Amazon Affiliate Program. You can make between $100 to $3,000 depending on your marketing skills and your audience. 

How to promote your affiliates services and products

There are many ways to promote your affiliate's programs and products and that is through ads on your website but what I like is writing blogs about the products and services. People love to learn about the service or product through reviews, they can be very useful to attract consumers to that product. 

Nowadays the first thing we do before buying a product is through reviews. Sending cold leads or buyers can cause a decrease in your profits but if you write a review and send warm consumers that will most likely purchase that can and will increase your income. The other way is through email marketing by building a list of interested people in your service or products can help the consumer find their way to the product. 

If you want to learn more about Affiliate marketing you can check our store and get one of our most popular ebooks Million dollar Affiliate marketing ideas for the MasterMind” That is the best beginners guide for affiliate marketers and directs you in the right direction and if you want to learn about email marketing check out my blog “Email Marketing Not Dead and its bring huge profits” to learn how to successfully build an effective email list. 


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