Email Marketing Not Dead and its bring huge profits

 Email Marketing is dead!!!!! 

Is it? Is email marketing done for? That is a big “NO” at this moment there are 4,037 billion email users worldwide and it estimated that by 2024 that number will be 4,481 billion email users, so whoever said that email marketing is dead and gone, has not seen the amazing results that businesses around the world have had using email to communicate to their audience increasing their sales by 80%. 95% of consumers check their emails according to -DMA consumer tracker 2020. Which again I ask is email marketing dead. It is not! 81% of consumers are more open to buying online especially through an email offer and prefer to be communicated through email before they get an annoying cold call. 

Email marketing gives the consumer and the business the possibility to build a relationship allowing them to do more than just sell or buy a product but it opens the door for the entrepreneur to present his/her knowledge and positioning themselves as an authority or an expert in their industry. Which in return gives the customer the satisfaction to know they have a connection, A source to get what they need, and building trust is the foundation of every sale. Without trust there is no sale would you buy from somebody that you don't trust? When I first started my first entrepreneur venture I was like thousand of others that believe the biggest lie that has ever been told and that email marketing is dead. I later realized that this method of marketing is essential, and what changed my mind was an email that I received from a fellow entrepreneur that explained how email marketing had changed his life completely. I tried out his methods and the huge surprise was that it worked and increased my sales by 30%. That is 30% more than I had when I first started. 

Building an email list

So Where do I start you may ask? The answer to that question is building your email list just like Facebook and Instagram or even Twitter to get your point across. You need an audience to listen to you. Not just listen to you but also get to know you and even trust you so for that reason we need an email list with warm prospects that are interested in buying your product. The first thing that we need to do is build your list and how do I do that? Building a list is not as difficult as you may think there are many ways to go about it. 

Social media:
Social media is the best way to gather emails. What you would need is a landing page and what has worked for me is a freebie something to give away to your audience. But how do I make money if I am giving away stuff? Well to get people to get to know you you have to open the door by using the generosity technique. It is like when you are beginning to get to know a new girlfriend or boyfriend you give them gifts and you have conversations finding out what they like. Generosity opens the doors for people to know you, to do this, and for me, the method to do that is something digital it can be a course or an ebook

this is explained in our most popular ebook “that I am giving away for free "Create Email Lists like a Boss” and many other techniques on building your email list. 

Events: You can use events to spread the word handing flyers or business cards with your website for them to check out and subscribe to.

Email Marketing Platform

Once you have created your list you are going to need a reliable email marketing platform that can help you create amazing emails to keep your audience engaged and wanting more. Now there are a lot of these platforms but as a recommendation use a Platform that allows you to create landing pages and many other features like Aweber they offer landing pages, segmentation which allows you to be more efficient and split the subscribers into their proper groups according to their interests so you are not boring them. 

I hope I was able to help you with your inquiry to get that free copy of Create Email Lists like a Boss Click on GET MY COPY

Also if you want to try an email marketing program that can work alongside creating outstanding emails and landing pages check out Aweber just click on GIVE ME MY FREE EMAIL MARKETING AWEBER


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