Blog your little heart out until you become a blog master


When I started to blog both in Spanish and English was back in 2016 I fell in love with writing when I started to go back to school, for any law majors out there, you know that 80 percent of law school is tests and investigative papers that need to be handed in a month or before the semester is over. Writing has become a skill that I had to develop from scratch and putting my ideas on paper was one of the hardest things I could have ever done in my life but I soon fell in love with this newfound skill. I started writing in Spanish and then later I switched to English and developed my writing skills in both languages. 

Then one day I decided to start my blog and started practicing day in and day out until I finally got the hang of writing a blog. Blogging as you may already know is not like saying I am going to start a blog and if I build it they will come and that is not how it works at all it takes time and patience. In the beginning, God said let there be light and then there was light. That is exactly how it was when I decided to start writing a blog. I did not know where to start. I was in the darkness. I was completely in the void but my light was Google. Oh, you thought I was going to say the bible, didn't you? I have to admit it was one of my sources for hope but not my source for learning what blogging is and how it works. After some extensive research, I soon learned that blogging had a lot of purposes and was very useful for a business and even to earn a bit of cash on the sidelines like a side hustle per se. But the hardest thing about blogging, at least for me, was not the writing, even though that was challenging at first but later it became a pleasure to write. 

The hardest part of creating a blog is getting in front of an audience I wanted to start a type of blogs lifestyle I wanted to start writing what I love which was almost everything I dreamed of creating a community of people that would share ideas which is my hope for this blog or at least with this post but enough with that… What I found out was that there is a substantial amount of information especially from other bloggers I read every blog out there and each blogger said the same just “Blog it” like Nike Just do it but instead “Blog it” it did not matter if you are a blog master or not what matters is the content that you produce and if you can tell a story that can captivate your audience, of course, there are other techniques that can be used as the usage of keywords

to help you rank in the search engines to help people find you. How can I find these Keywords you may ask? That is very simple but for me, it was not so obvious but Google ads have a keyword search engine that can help you find the most searched phrases and keywords. These keywords are the combination to unlock the vault that holds your audience and passive income. One of the books that I love and has opened my mind to blogging or at least directed me in the right direction was Blogging for Success just to go over it briefly, it goes into detail on how Google Adsense works and how it can change the game completely. I recommend getting a copy of Blogging for success. I will leave a link to where you can get it for yourself and begin your journey today!! 

Leave us your comments and let me know how I am doing and if you have anything that you want me to write about let me know by leaving a comment and thanks for reading!!!


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